Thursday, February 21, 2008

Stitches West 2008 Thursday Night

Since I was not able to get my booth at Stitches West this year, I decided to go and check it out, and I am glad that I did. What a huge event! I got to meet a ton of people, including a lot of Ravelry friends at the Ravelry meeting and throughout the show.

I also met Tobias of Malabrigo yarns. He was so wonderfully nice, and I cannot wait to get my shipment of yarns in from him. I also met the awesome girls of Diva Stitch Studios who make incredible crochet and knitting patterns, all of which I absolutely adore! I will definitely be bringing in a lot of those.

Let me tell you guys, there were so many people there just waiting to get in it was unbelievable. I can't wait until Stitches Midwest if the energy is going to be anywhere near like it was at Stitches West.

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